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May 21, 2009

Making A Difference Day

I had no idea that today in the Des Moines area was Making A Difference Day.  My girls and I were paying for groceries today and my total was $50 less than it was supposed to be!! The manager explained to me that a woman had purchased 4 $50 gift certificates and she wanted to help pay for 4 peoples groceries today. Specifically, mothers with children. I was so deeply touched. I seriously had tears in my eyes when the manager told me. It was such a simple act of kindness pure and sweet. After we loaded groceries in our truck  it was lunch time, so we headed to McDonalds, as we always do when we are out running errands. It was my turn to make a difference. I purchased a gift card at the golden arches and told them to pay for as peoples lunches as it could. It felt so incredibly awesome! There is nothing more meaningful than the gift of kindness. I hope this inspires you and puts a huge smile on your face. Pay it forward!! xoxo jojo


The Whistle Stop said...

In this uncertain times our world is in, to give a little extra TLC is such a wonderful idea! It gives hope to all that people are just wanting to make our world a good & happy place to be!! Good for you for passing it on!
P.S. I so wanted to come to your show. I know what the crazy week before is like! I just finished my show the week before and I was still recovering the next week. I'm marking my calendar for your July show!
Elkhorn, NE

Mindy said...

What a wonderful "making a difference day".....I love this idea and I'm thrilled that you got to play on both sides! ~Mindy

Lisa's RetroStyle said...

Well that is just about the coolest thing I've ever heard of! Good for Des Moines!! I would have had tears in my eyes too. You are so right about how good it makes you feel to do something so generous. Good for you...and good for your girls!

Sue (Vintage Rescue) said...

That is so amazing! And inspiring.... I'll make a difference to someone this weekend. Can't do much here at the office....