Hello!! I'm baaack :) Yes, I took the summer off, blogging that is. I thought the best way to kick
off the new blog season would be to jibber jabber about our junk club last Friday. We made this junky FALL display. This was more of a technical club nite as our junkies had to sand their own boards, and clear coat there springs and wire. Then we made our cool grungy FALL tags too. Of course in between all of this work we had some good food and laughs. As always thanks girls for a great time! However, the night did not end there! Shortly after everyone left we got the phone call. A couple of our junkies had blown a tire close to our farm, so into the night Kasey and I went to the rescue. When we arrived, our entire junk club minus 1, were on the side of the road for moral support, it was hilarious!! The Junk Hunk changed the tire and everyone was off. It will be a long time before any of us forget this club nite. Here's some pictures from the nite and we also have video of the roadside rescue that I will try to upload too! So happy to be back:) xoxo jojo